
6 Types Of Pastors You’ll See In Nigerian Churches

Today, many lion roam the church in the pretense of being a man of God, looking for ways to extort money from innocent worshipers .

Here are a few of them :
1) The Funky Pastor

These set of pastor are beginning to trend in most of the churches ,they are wordy, carnal and ungodly pastors who just want to please people. They take advantage of people and mostly women are their targets.

2) Businessman Pastors

These set of pastors are the kinds that seek the ministry just because of fame and the money involve in it. They pay
more attention to the money making for their self and are less concern about what happen to the ministry.

3) The Orators

This vocational pastors are in the ministry not because God ordained them,they rather ordained themselves. what they are after is the respect and honor accorded to men of God. They also posses great oratory powers which they use to blindfold people.
4) Political Pastors

We all know this kinds of pastors, they were all over during the last general election. They deviate from what the lord
has ordained them to do and rather focus on political issues.

5) Technology Pastors

City to city, nation to nation, making money from gullible ones.these sets are the ones who replace bible with i pads, laptops e.t.c. Don’t get it wrong, I’m not saying they shouldn’t use these gadgets, No, after all it aids the work of God,but they tend to over use it. some even preach from the comfort of their home, through social media e.g skype,and fly around with luxurious private jets.And are proud owners of them.i no mention any name o. lool.

6) The ministry focused Pastor

These are very committed to the ministry work, focused and determine. the work of God is their priority and every other thing appears secondary.


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