
8 Beliefs About Rape That Are Totally Wrong

Rape happens everywhere, on a daily basis and a lot of people have come to believe that it was their fault they were raped. There are widely held beliefs (myths) about rape, which not only adds to the pain of the victim but can also put others at risk of same crime. In many societies, people have false beliefs about what rape is and what causes it. It is easier to blame the victim, believing that he or she must have done something to deserve being raped. No one deserves to be raped and victims should not be blamed for the offender’s behavior. It is a crime to sexually assault anyone and the blame lies solely on the perpetrator. Hopefully, the common myths about rape listed below, will help someone protect his or herself from false beliefs.

1. Women incite rape: 
Sometimes, you hear some men say they were seduced by the victims. How does a woman seduce you To Molest her? Rape is the responsibility of the rapist alone and he has no excuse.

2. A married man can’t rape his wife: 
Sex should be consensual and if it is not, it is rape. Sex without consent is always rape, no matter what the circumstances. In Nigeria, most people will argue that a married cannot rape his wife because he has a right to her body whenever he wants. The idea that a man can’t rape his wife suggests married women do not have a right to say no to sex as do married women. If a woman says no, then her husband should respect her decision.

3. Rape is an impulsive, spontaneous act: 
The truth of the matter is that a vast majority of rapes are carefully planned. The rapist would have mapped out his plan and seize the opportunity when it presents itself.

4. Rape only happens to indecently dressed women:
 Some people believe women dressed in revealing clothes are the only ones who get raped and are to blame for it. Just because a woman is skimpily dressed or exposing parts of her body does not always mean that she is sending out a signal that she is available for sex. No person, irrespective of what they are wearing deserves to be raped. Anyone can be raped, no matter what you are wearing, be it a baby in diapers, a grandma in wrapper or a nun fully covered. Ones dressing has no bearing on who the rapist chooses to attack.

5. Women say ‘No’ when they really mean ‘Yes’:
 Nobody enjoys being forced to do things they don’t want. No man, woman, or child enjoys being raped. It is an assault, which can have a lasting trauma on the victim. People should learn to respect other people’s decisions. When she says NO, she really means NO. If you force her, then it is rape and you have no justification.

6. Men can’t be raped: 
Most people believe that it is only women who get raped. Just like women, men can also be raped. Because they are seen as strong, doesn’t mean they can’t be overpowered and forced into having sex.

7. The best way to get over rape is to act like it didn’t happen:
Some people believe the best way a rape victim can get over the incident is to forget it happened and move on with their lives. Most of the time, talking about a problem helps a lot. In the case of rape, talking about it might just be what the victim needs to recover from trauma. However, the victim should not be forced to talk about it before they are ready.

8. You want it because you didn’t struggle:
 Some men believe if a woman does not struggle hard enough then she wants it. Sometimes, she knows her struggling would yield no result so she resigns herself to fate. Whether she struggles or not, if she has said no, then let her be. Don’t have satisfy your sexual desires and have your way just because she didn’t struggle hard enough.


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